Basis (TPACK) · Overview
This module is the start module of the training “digital didactics”. Initially, you will get acquainted with the training’s vision of “digital didactics’ using the TPACK model. You get to know the TPACK model as a conceptual framework against which you can compare your own knowledge and expertise. You especially learn that TPACK:
underlines the integration between the teacher’s content, pedagogical and technological knowledge
puts the didactical needs of the teacher at the center and ICT is not considered as the driving factor here
requires no advanced ICT knowledge but rather an overview of the various types of tools
places the lecturer at the center during the design of digital learning
In a second part the TPACK model is presented in a more detailed manner. Depending on your objectives, certain methods and ICT tools are suggested. Thus, the second part will support you with the analysis, this is an important first step in developing e-material.
After completing this module, you will therefore achieve the following objectives:
insight in digital didactics as an integral part of the competences of a trainer
overview of different types of tools based on their educational potential
selecting the most common methods and appropriate types of tools based on the proposed objective