Pedagogical/content related role
An e-coach, just like a teacher in a non-digital environment, should obviously possess sufficient professional knowledge, skills and attitudes. This is an absolute necessity to design appropriate learning activities for your students and to guide these properly. A good subject-specific attitude means that you keep informed of the new developments of your expertise and that you stay up-to-date with professional literature. For an e-coach, this means focusing on digital study material: websites, digital video or audio material; digital archives, digital games, etc. you can integrate these in your digital environment.
The purpose of the substantive guidance is to meet the intended goals. We can distinguish three stages merging into one another.
In the first stage , your student will gain knowledge and skills.
In the second stage will focus on deepening knowledge and skills.
The third stage deals with knowledge and skills creation by your students.
In the first stage, an e-coach functions as a ‘model’, which gradually evolves into a role as ‘coach’ in the second and third stage.